We are a local church in Mentone, California, regularly gathering to worship God, care for one another, and serve our community. We are so glad you visited our website and hope to see you at one of our many programs and services very soon!

Our world is in desperate need of solid biblical answers to the pressing questions of our day. Our speakers aim to present sermons that are based on the Bible, full of interesting facts and relevant to our needs today. We preach to uplift Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Come and be blessed!

We believe that Seventh-day Adventist education is essential and support our local day school as well as a vibrant homeschool co-op. Our Sabbath School classes are also supported from our local budget, and we have classes for all ages.

Jesus spent most of His ministry healing people physically, mentally, and spiritually - and we want to do the same. We promote healthy living with our hands-on seminars, programs, and delicious fellowship meals. We heal families by providing seminars on parenting and other aspects of family life.