share the gospel in another country

Join our Mentone church family on a life-transforming mission trip experience!  You are sure to witness miracles as God uses you to bring hope, healing and the gospel of Jesus Christ to someone else.

Registration is now open for our 2025 trips. Most trips will involve medical/dental clinics, health expos, construction projects, evangelism, missionary training schools, and children’s programs. There is something for everyone to contribute, no matter what your talents and skills might be. Each country has differing requirements depending on the location.

 Trip logistics may uncontrollably shift at any given time, so the flexibility is essential.

Click below on your trip of interest for more information. Space is limited, so please don’t delay your registration. We look forward to seeing what God will do in and through you!

Costa Rica

March 20-28: Some of our youth are joining Build and Restore for an unforgettable experience. They will participate in a lifestyle center building project, evangelism, and community outreach.
Help supply the building materials needed to make this project a success.


April 9-20: Experience a life-changing mission trip to Ethiopia with It Is Written! The Ethiopian Union has invited us to conduct evangelistic meetings and a medical clinic in their territory.

Your Best Pathway to Health

May 4-9: Be part of a mega-clinic in St. Louis in preparation for the 62nd General Conference session. Health Professionals as well as non-medical individuals are needed.

Cambodia and Laos

June 8-20: We are partnering with the Southeast Asian Union Mission to impact these countries for Jesus. Preach an evangelistic series as part of Cambodia for Christ. Conduct a VBS for the precious children of this region. We are looking into providing medical and dental services.


September 22 to October 3: We are partnering with the Southeast Asia Union Mission to share the Three Angels' Message with the people of Thailand. Participate in an evangelistic series, help train gospel workers. We are exploring the possibility of providing medical and dental services.


October 19 to November 4: Join us on our annual trip to expand God's kingdom in this unique country. We will visit people in their homes and invite them to come and see that God is good. Preach an evangelistic series for adults or children. Share your musical talents. Help train church workers. 


November 23 to 29:  Join us for the 7th annual mission trip to Mexicali, Mexico. This will be an unforgettable experience. We will participate in a church building project, evangelism, and community outreach.
Each year a different church and community in Mexicali is impacted by BRI efforts. Be a part of a lasting impact this year!

Everyone can be involved

We believe we are living in the last days and want to be open to God's leading. We encourage everyone to get involved in one or more of these 3 ways:  
1. add these projects to your prayer list
2.  sign up to be part of one of the trips
3. financially support one of the projects
 (you will need to add the offering category to your online envelope by clicking "Add Categories" under the local offerings section).