Unless the LORD builds the house,
They labor in vain who build it;

psalm 127:1

Family Ministries has five main objectives:
1. To proclaim the Everlasting Gospel in the context of the family.
Week seek to help families share the reviving and restorative message of the everlasting gospel within the context of family living. Christ is and must be acknowledged as the Savior and Head of every home. In Him, family members are at peace with God and at peace with each other. As they are drawn near to Him they are drawn nearer to each other, in love, forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration, and renewal.
2. To strengthen every Seventh-day Adventist family as a primary discipling unit.
Family Ministries seeks to deepen understanding of the relational dimension of being and making disciples and to strengthen family members as disciple makers within the family.

A married couple is viewed as the primary unit of the family.  The department seeks to provide couples and families with access to educational, enrichment, and counseling opportunities to enhance the development of the relational skills necessary for the effective discipling of one another and growth toward optimal Christian marriage, parent-child and extended family relationships
3. To empower parents.
We seek to enable parents and families to increase the likelihood of successful transference of Seventh-day Adventist Christian values to the next generation. Adventist Family Ministries develops materials and provides learning opportunities within church and family settings designed to enable parents to make biblical values winsome to their children and youth. The department encourages an atmosphere within homes and churches which promotes questions and on-going discussion regarding Christian values and tenets of faith among parents and children, young and old, leaders and members in an effort to foster the development of mature faith.
4. To promote unity in God's plan.
We seek to create a “family of God” experience in our local church. Adventist Family Ministries fosters an atmosphere which respects and celebrates diversity within congregations and within the World Church, recognizing that unity is not found in uniformity, but in Christ, the Head of the body. Through a shared commitment to a common message and mission and a reciprocal openness, honesty, and vulnerability in relationships with one another, the oneness we have found in Christ may become a reality in experience.
5. To empower families to share their faith.
We seek to empower families for winsome witness. Beyond the priority placed on the home as the most important mission field, Adventist Family Ministries helps families to discover and utilize their spiritual gifts in the community around them. The department encourages and enables families to relate in winsome ways with nonbelieving family members, to befriend their neighbors, to share the good news of life in Christ, and to support, through their prayers, offerings, and service, the mission outreach of the church.


Adventist family ministries

This an Adventist website with many resources for the individual and family.  You will find the yearly resource book, family worship ideas and materials, family revival, and links to various materials.

Holistic Mental Health

These resources will help you maintain or recover your mental health. You will find links to ministries and services to help with depression, anxiety, trauma, etc.

Pre-Marital Resources

Are you thinking of making one of the most important decisions of your life and considering marriage? This page contains a host of resources that will help you find the right person according to God's plan.


Marriages are under attack. Here are resources that will help you safeguard one of the most important relationships that God has given us.


Raising children to love and serve God takes time, energy, resources, and skills. These resources can help.


Abuse is not acceptable. If you, or anyone you know is being abused these resources are essential.

Divorce Care

Divorce is painful and complicated. Find resources to help navigate through the tough times.

grief Share

While everyone’s response to loss is unique, people facing loss and grief will experience many of the same challenges.

life skills

Learn timeless truths from God’s Word for our lives and relationships.

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