We believe in sharing the Three Angels' Message with everyone but have a special interest in sharing the present truth with those living in hard to reach areas (like those in the 10/40 Window, communist countries, etc.)

One of our goals is to match our support of our local church budget dollar-for-dollar with our 10/40 mission projects.

Here is what we have been able to accomplish together in the last few years.

2024 Projects

papua new guinea

The evangelistic event in Papua New Guinea in May 2024 was one of the largest evangelistic series in the history of the Adventist Church. Nearly 3 million people heard the last day message of Jesus Christ and over 300,000 (and still counting) were baptized into the Remnant Church. Bibles are needed to help these new believers. We raised $5000 to provide hundreds of Bibles. Visit www.awr.org for more information.


We continue to support the work of Banglahelp as they seek to benefit those working in the largest brothel in the world. We raised $12,000 to provide.


There is a great hunger for God's word in Cuba. We partnered with the World Youth Group to equip teams of missionaries to plant new Adventist congregations in four previously un-entered cities.

2023 Projects


We raised $15,000 to help conduct public evangelistic meetings and establish a media ministry.


Wisam was born Muslim and converted to Adventism as a young man.  His family tried to kill him, so he moved away.  Years later he returned and started a Center of Influence in Nazareth.  We raised $5000 to support his ministry in this needy country. Learn more by watching this video.


We raised $5983 to build a windmill at the Adventist worship center in Ban Tongchiabon.  This will provide a reliable source of electricity for evangelistic programs and community outreach.  It will also create a power hub to charge electronics for both the Adventist workers and the community.


We raised $18,000 to help educate women and their children in the brothels.  This will give them an opportunity to leave this profession and live productive lives in society.


We raised $3010 to build wells in Cambodia where they do not have clean water or water nearby.  This will greatly decrease infant mortality rates and give people more time to learn about Jesus, the water of life.


Some government schools have shut down in Myanmar which has caused crowding in the ASAP schools.  We raised $20,713 to build a new Seventh-day Adventist school and 2 small dorms in a predominantly Buddhist community.


Most young girls and women in Cambodia are exposed to the great dangers of trafficking, prostitution, slavery, or domestic violence.  Providing training and jobs for them gives them a way to support themselves and escape poverty and its vices.  We raised $1311 to fund the entire project for one year.


Direct evangelism is ineffective in southeast Myanmar, so we have raised $3680 to fund a year of Bible-based math and English classes for 40 children from 2 villages.  The families of these children will also receive weekly visits from teachers offering health screenings, health education, garden instruction and community cooking classes.


In a poor farming district in Thailand, a small group of church members decided to start a community garden.  People come to relax, learn gardening techniques and hear about Jesus.  We raised $878 to fund this project for one year.

2022 Projects


We raised $50,000 to help build a new church and renovate one that was damaged in the flooding. We also translated the New Beginnings Bible Prophecy seminar into Urdu to empower pastors and lay members to share the gospel with their friends and neighbors.

OCI Projects

Outpost Centers International supports hundreds of health, education and evangelism projects in countries around the world.  We raised $80,000, which they matched for a total of $160,000, to help projects within the 10-40 window.