Three Angels' Messages Part 10
Welcome once again to our study of the Three Angels’ Messages! Thank you for joining us as we continue to give attention to these beautiful verses. We’re considering the fact that the first angel is described as bearing the everlasting Gospel, the evangelion, the “Good News.”
And what exactly does God’s Good News contain? It’s “all-inclusive,” in that it takes care of our mistaken-riddled past, smudged by sins and transgressions, our weakened position now, in that because of our defective characters we are prone to rebellion, and our ultimate future, in a place where sin and all its effects will be forever banished. All this because God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Praise God!
But, as we’ve seen, God doesn’t simply wipe the record of our moral slate clean, He goes far beyond that, in exercising His transforming power in our lives so that we can overcome sin and live lives that reflect His character. Through regenerative power God changes our wills, our thinking, our behaviors, our habits, our characters and our destinies. He inclines our hearts toward right thinking and right doing. Through the Gospel we are transformed by the “renewing of our mind.” Romans 12:2. The heavenly invitation is to “let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5. “We have known that the Son of man is come, and hath given us an understanding (or “mind”), that we may know Him Who is true.” I John 5:20, KJV. Through the power of the Holy Spirit He can “bring every thought into captivity to Christ.” II Corinthians 10:5. This is describing a process by which our very way of thinking is changed and new thought patterns are developed. It follows that when the thoughts and attitudes are changed, behaviors and actions will follow, and thereby our habits, characters and destinies. Along with His inclining our hearts toward His principles, He counteracts the force of our old nature. David prayed, “Do not incline my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men who work iniquity.” Psalm 141:4.
A while back while driving I came up behind a Nissan Murano that had the license plate TNT NRG. I interpreted it as meaning “dynamite energy.” I don’t know why the driver chose those letters for his license plate, but I can tell you that this correctly represents the power contained in the Gospel. Paul testified, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” Romans 1:16. The word Paul used for the term translated “power” is the Greek word dynamis, which is the source of our word “dynamite,” as well as many other words. A new and active purpose becomes dynamic in the Christian’s life, as each day God leads us further into the freedom of His will. A Christian’s walk with Him becomes closer and closer until one day it will blend into the immortal life God has always wanted for His children. These changes will bring glory to God, delight to His angels, consternation to the devil and amazement to ourselves.
Part Three of the Everlasting Gospel: The Future Kingdom of Glory
I came upon a verse a few days ago that has something in it I hadn’t seen before. In Isaiah 21, the end of the second verse reads, “All its sighing I have made to cease.” When I saw the word “cease,” I was curious and looked it up. It is the Hebrew shabbat, which means literally “to cease, to keep a sabbath.” (The primary meaning of the word “Sabbath” means “to stop, or cease.”) Think of what this verse means! In heaven there will be complete rest. Sorrow and sighing will be on permanent sabbatical! Has a trial or difficult experience brought forth from you a sigh lately? Today we live in a world that is filled with those things that bring tears and sorrow, crying and sighing. But one day soon that will all end. All tears and sighing will be gone. The sighing will be “made to cease.”
Can you imagine such a life; to be free from all physical pain and emotional stress? It’s hard for our minds to grasp such a perfect existence, because all we’ve ever known is pain, suffering and death. But the day is coming soon when, living in His kingdom made new, in the glory of His gracious presence, we will struggle to call to mind the trials and tribulations of this life. You’ll try to remember what wrinkles were; what arthritis felt like. We’ll try ever so hard to recall our greatest hardship, our worst trial, but will give up and with a shout of “Glory!” we’ll praise God for His mercy for lost sinners. You want to be there, don’t you? This Good News, this everlasting Gospel was meant for you! This is the message that God wants the world to know, as we live in these last days just prior to Jesus’ return.
And what exactly does God’s Good News contain? It’s “all-inclusive,” in that it takes care of our mistaken-riddled past, smudged by sins and transgressions, our weakened position now, in that because of our defective characters we are prone to rebellion, and our ultimate future, in a place where sin and all its effects will be forever banished. All this because God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Praise God!
But, as we’ve seen, God doesn’t simply wipe the record of our moral slate clean, He goes far beyond that, in exercising His transforming power in our lives so that we can overcome sin and live lives that reflect His character. Through regenerative power God changes our wills, our thinking, our behaviors, our habits, our characters and our destinies. He inclines our hearts toward right thinking and right doing. Through the Gospel we are transformed by the “renewing of our mind.” Romans 12:2. The heavenly invitation is to “let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5. “We have known that the Son of man is come, and hath given us an understanding (or “mind”), that we may know Him Who is true.” I John 5:20, KJV. Through the power of the Holy Spirit He can “bring every thought into captivity to Christ.” II Corinthians 10:5. This is describing a process by which our very way of thinking is changed and new thought patterns are developed. It follows that when the thoughts and attitudes are changed, behaviors and actions will follow, and thereby our habits, characters and destinies. Along with His inclining our hearts toward His principles, He counteracts the force of our old nature. David prayed, “Do not incline my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men who work iniquity.” Psalm 141:4.
A while back while driving I came up behind a Nissan Murano that had the license plate TNT NRG. I interpreted it as meaning “dynamite energy.” I don’t know why the driver chose those letters for his license plate, but I can tell you that this correctly represents the power contained in the Gospel. Paul testified, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” Romans 1:16. The word Paul used for the term translated “power” is the Greek word dynamis, which is the source of our word “dynamite,” as well as many other words. A new and active purpose becomes dynamic in the Christian’s life, as each day God leads us further into the freedom of His will. A Christian’s walk with Him becomes closer and closer until one day it will blend into the immortal life God has always wanted for His children. These changes will bring glory to God, delight to His angels, consternation to the devil and amazement to ourselves.
Part Three of the Everlasting Gospel: The Future Kingdom of Glory
I came upon a verse a few days ago that has something in it I hadn’t seen before. In Isaiah 21, the end of the second verse reads, “All its sighing I have made to cease.” When I saw the word “cease,” I was curious and looked it up. It is the Hebrew shabbat, which means literally “to cease, to keep a sabbath.” (The primary meaning of the word “Sabbath” means “to stop, or cease.”) Think of what this verse means! In heaven there will be complete rest. Sorrow and sighing will be on permanent sabbatical! Has a trial or difficult experience brought forth from you a sigh lately? Today we live in a world that is filled with those things that bring tears and sorrow, crying and sighing. But one day soon that will all end. All tears and sighing will be gone. The sighing will be “made to cease.”
Can you imagine such a life; to be free from all physical pain and emotional stress? It’s hard for our minds to grasp such a perfect existence, because all we’ve ever known is pain, suffering and death. But the day is coming soon when, living in His kingdom made new, in the glory of His gracious presence, we will struggle to call to mind the trials and tribulations of this life. You’ll try to remember what wrinkles were; what arthritis felt like. We’ll try ever so hard to recall our greatest hardship, our worst trial, but will give up and with a shout of “Glory!” we’ll praise God for His mercy for lost sinners. You want to be there, don’t you? This Good News, this everlasting Gospel was meant for you! This is the message that God wants the world to know, as we live in these last days just prior to Jesus’ return.
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