Weekly Update
Happy New Year!
As we enter 2024 we anticipate that God has something special for each one of us personally, for our families, and for our church community.
Here is a quick re-cap of the major church events that we have planned for January.
Here is a quick re-cap of the major church events that we have planned for January.

January 6 - Communion Service
Please make plans to join us for a special church service as we remember the incredible sacrifice that Jesus Christ has made for us.
If you would like one of our Pastors or Elders to bring communion to you please let us know by contacting the church office.
If you would like one of our Pastors or Elders to bring communion to you please let us know by contacting the church office.

January 14 - AMEN Free Clinic
According to the CDC National Health Statistics, “In 2020, 31.6 million (9.7%) people of all ages were uninsured.”
There is an immense need across the country and we don’t have to travel overseas when there’s a mission field in our own backyard. You can make a difference! Volunteer for a free clinic in an underserved community near you. AMEN free clinics offer free dental care, general medical care, and health education services to uninsured and underinsured people in the U.S.
We partner with dentists, physicians, dental hygienists, dental assistants, optometrists, nurses, counselors, massage therapists, and other medical and non-medical volunteers. The whole family is welcome. Volunteers are expected to pay for their own transportation to the site and lodging for the weekend.
We still need volunteers - please sign up today at https://mentonechurch.org/amen
There is an immense need across the country and we don’t have to travel overseas when there’s a mission field in our own backyard. You can make a difference! Volunteer for a free clinic in an underserved community near you. AMEN free clinics offer free dental care, general medical care, and health education services to uninsured and underinsured people in the U.S.
We partner with dentists, physicians, dental hygienists, dental assistants, optometrists, nurses, counselors, massage therapists, and other medical and non-medical volunteers. The whole family is welcome. Volunteers are expected to pay for their own transportation to the site and lodging for the weekend.
We still need volunteers - please sign up today at https://mentonechurch.org/amen
AMEN Follow Up-Programs
Please see the bulletin board and our events calendar to see the various events planned as follow-up to the clinic. Some events include:
- DivorceCare
- Pathway to Wellness
- Living Free
- Depression and Anxiety Recovery
- Revelation Seminar
- "All about Jesus" Sabbath school class (using the Desire of Ages).
January 28 - Pathfinder Bike-A-Thon
Posted in Church Announcements
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