July 2 Bulletin

Church Services

8:25 am* 11:00 am**

Songs of Praise: #341 To God Be the Glory, #647 Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
Invocation: Elder Roy Fargo
Opening Hymn: #88 I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Offering (Local Church Budget) & Prayer: Roy Fargo
Offertory: I'd Rather Have Jesus by Andre Huerta**
Children’s Story: Patricia Perez
  Children please get the baskets at the back of the church and come forward for the story
Scripture: Psalm 50:1-6 Daisy Shelton**
Prayer song: Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer
Worship in Prayer: Don Shelton**
Worship in Song: Wayfaring Stranger By Avielah & Eliyah Sprenkle and Emily Urban*
    For you I am Praying by Andre Huerta**
Message: Independence Day by Pastor John Anderson
Hymn Of Consecration: #645 God of Our Fathers
Benediction: Pastor John Anderson

Sabbath Schools

Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3 )
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)

Youth and Young Adult Classes
Youth (Ages 15+)
Young Adult (Ages 18-35) upstairs in the multi-purpose room

Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano will be outside)
Spirit of Prophecy class now studying The Story of Redemption (Pathfinder Room)
Pastor's Great Controversy class (Fellowship hall and Zoom)


We are glad that you have chosen to worship with us today. If we can help you in any way, please let us know by filling out the information card in the pews or contacting one of our elders or deacons.

God is holy and worthy of our praise and adoration. "Holy and reverend is His name." Please keep the sanctuary a quiet place.

We believe in prayer! If you would like to spend some extra time in prayer after the 11 am service meet in the room behind the piano.

Vacation Bible School planning meeting. All current and potential volunteers are invited to join a organizational meeting in the fellowship hall from 1:30 to 2:30 pm.

Today is the 1st Sabbath a new quarter which means that it has been designated as a day of prayer and fasting. If you are interested in joining a special time of study and prayer please come to the sanctuary from 3-4 pm.

Great Controversy Distribution will take place at 4pm. Come and experience the miracles of God while delivering the most important message with our neighbors.

Fellowship Meals are returning the 2nd and 4th Sabbaths of the month.  We do not have a designated leader so for this to work we need to work together. Please bring an already prepared nutritious and delicious vegan dish to feed 8-12 people. We will not be doing any cooking, prep, or dishes on the Sabbath. The food warmer will be available to use. The theme for July 9 will be Asian food.

If you have books that you would like to donate, please deposit them in the receptacles in the area between the church office and the school rooms. Books that are appropriate will be religious, published by Adventist printing houses (Review and Herald, Pacific Press, Safeliz, etc.). Books authored by Ellen G. White are always acceptable. Books will be reviewed and a green sticker will be applied indicating approval. Then they will be placed on a table in a visible area for people to take.

Mentone Apps: Download our family of apps for your phone, tablet, and smart TV at www.mentonechurch.org/apps.

Please make sure your information is correct in our online church directory. You can submit any changes directly in the app or contact office@mentonechurch.org for further assistance.

Great Controversy 2.0 Project – our local church is part of a worldwide initiative to share 1 billion copies of this precious book around the world. We need more help in our organization team. If interested contact office@mentonechurch.org.

Digital Missionaries are needed.  We need people who are willing to engage with people online who have prayer requests, have Bible questions, or would like to study the Bible. Contact office@mentonechurch.org if you are interested.

Learn practical soul-winning skills by taking the 12-week course at www.mentonechurch.org/evangelism. You will learn how to engage people in meaningful conversations and to transition naturally into spiritual topics. You will discover simple and effective means to easily find Bible study contacts and share dynamic studies.

Vacation Bible School – It is summer time and we would like to invite you to help us spread the word. The dates will be August 1-5 from 4 pm to 6:30 pm. Watch for more information.

Speaker Schedule
July 9 – Rodney Bowes
July 16 – Boris Jovinov
July 23 – Pastor Jeff Harper
July 30 - Pastor John Anderson

Birthday Blessings!
July 2nd: Nathan Thomas  3rd: Linda Metcalfe 4th: Liberty Arretche  5th: Nina Cardenas 6th: Justin Graham, John Irlam  7th: Audry Wasylyshen, Arielle Garcia
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