September 17 Bulletin

Church Services

8:25 am*
11:00 am**

Prelude: Organ
Songs of Praise: #494 We Would See Jesus, #189 All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus
Welcome and Announcements
Invocation: Elder Jun Cruz
Opening Hymn: #185 Jesus Is All the World to Me
Worship in Giving (Local Church Budget): Jun Cruz
Offertory: by Holly Jenkins
Children’s Story: 
Scripture Reading: John 15:9  Ethan Cruz* Aidan Cruz**
Prayer Song:  Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer by Congregation
Worship in Prayer: Jun Cruz
Worship in Song: Does Jesus Care? by Holly Jenkins
Sermon: Longing for Refreshing by Elder Vladimir Zaninovic
Closing Hymn: #492 Like Jesus
Benediction: Elder Vladimir Zaninovic
Postlude: Organ

Sabbath School Classes

Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)

Youth Class
Youth (Ages 15+)

Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano)
Spirit of Prophecy class now studying The Story of Redemption (Pathfinder Room)
Revelation of Hope class (Fellowship Hall and Zoom)


We are glad that you have chosen to worship with us today. If we can help you in any way, please let us know by filling out the information card in the pews or contacting one of our elders or deacons.

God is holy and worthy of our praise and adoration. "Holy and reverend is His name." Please keep the sanctuary a quiet place.

We believe in prayer! If you would like to spend some extra time in prayer after the 11 am service meet in the room behind the piano.

Mentone Apps: Download our family of apps for your phone, tablet, and smart TV at

Have you seen our blog? If not, visit

The Three Angels’ Messages Children’s Choirs continue September 20. Older Members aged 7 – 13 will meet 4:00 – 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Junior Members aged 3 – 6 will meet 3:00- 3:45 pm in the Primary Room. Sign up today.

The Mentone Mustangs, our Adventurer and Pathfinder Clubs, have begun for this year. Please register your child today and/or sign up to help by contacting Samuel Wong by phone or text 909-282-7447. See

Mentone Church is hosting DivorceCare on Thursday evenings from September 15 - December 15, 2022 (13-weeks, Thanksgiving day- off).  The meetings will be 2 hours in duration, from 6-8 pm.  For more information, please see the event on our church website or contact Cheryl Craven.

Give the gift of life by donating blood on Sunday, September 25. See the  events page on our website for more details.

October is  Adventist Heritage month at Mentone. The 1st of the month has been designated as a day of prayer and fasting. Please plan to participate in the special program we will have in the afternoon.

Make plans to join us for our special fall convocation on October 7/8. We will be blessed with amazing music from various musicians and life-changing messages from Evangelist Randy Skeete.

Understand Bible Prophecy: Finding Hope in the Books of Daniel and Revelation is scheduled to begin the week of October 16. We are still looking for facilitators and co-leaders for our sites around the inland empire.

Are you interested in Herbal Remedies and making your own?  There is a wonderful opportunity by LIGHT Ministries and Dr Lee Willard, Naturopath/Master Herbalist for a 150-hour course. We need 15 committed people to sign up as a group to a group discount. Please text/call Coralie Dinger 916474-0182 for more information about this exciting opportunity.

@ Mentone Next Week

Everyday of the week
  6:00 am – United Prayer
Monday, September 19
  5:30 pm – Monday Nights with God Zoom Bible study
  7:00 pm – Church Choir
Tuesday, September 20
  All-day – Homeschool co-op and children’s choirs
Wednesday, September 21
  7:00 pm – Prayer Meeting
Sabbath, September 24
  8:25 and 11 am – Pastor Rodney Bowes (Communion)

Speaker Schedule

October 1 – Pastor Rodney Bowes
October 7/8 – Fall Convocation with Pastor Randy Skeete
October 15 – Pastor John Anderson
October 22 – Pastor John Anderson

Birthday Blessings

September 17th – Abraham Kochethu  18th – Zekiah LoVett, Stacey Garcia  21st – Jill Ellington, Samantha Peace  22nd – Roger Glaser 23rd – Reem Fargo  24th – Ken Christensen, Bianca Zaninovic
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