Three Angels Messages Part 43
Thanks for joining with us, as we continue our study of the Three Angels’ Messages. Right now, we’re studying at the message of the second angel, recorded in Revelation 14:8, which says, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”
We’ve seen that “Babylon” had three literal manifestations, and four that are symbolic. We’ve seen that the “fall” refers to the fall of the Christian Church which occurred during the Middle Ages, when the historical papacy departed from the safety of Scripture and began to rely on tradition. Though godly men like Wycliffe, Luther and many other sought to bring the Church back to Scriptural principles, a movement we refer to as the Protestant Reformation, nevertheless a second “fall” occurred because in general, Protestantism has abandoned her once glorious ideal, sola scriptura, and has refused to relinquish papal errors, such as Sunday sacredness and the immortality of the soul.
We’ve seen that the “wine” represents teachings, which like physical wine, intoxicate, addict and confuse and cause people to stumble. God is calling us back now to the simple and pure teachings of His Holy Word, the Bible, and lay aside those teachings and practices which deviate from Scripture.
Though these events are a matter of historical fact, there is nevertheless one aspect of the second angel’s message which has not yet become fulfilled. It is contained in the phrase, “She has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” The word “made” indicates the application of coercion, and corresponds to the word “causes” found in Revelation 13:16, which reads, “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads.” This is a forecast of force being used to implement religious teachings, something that the Church did constantly during the Middle Ages. In a nutshell, the second angel is telling us that at some point in the future, there will be a return to the tactics and strategies of the papacy, as employed in centuries past.
“She has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Babylon’s “wrath” is the arm-twisting force which is applied to compel all to worship the way she dictates. Without the true power of agape love dispensed by God’s Spirit, she is left to coerce through force, using the arm of the state. This is her “wrath.” The Middle Ages saw a plenitude of her wrath.
But we must recognize that sometimes in Scripture “wrath” can also mean something else. God’s “wrath” is not the same as human “wrath.” Instead of usage of force, the “wrath of God,” defined in Romans 1:18-28, represents His allowing the sinner to reap the consequences of his or her stubborn choices. Unlike human anger, which is self-motivated and exhibited by raised voices, God’s wrath is His stepping back, when continuously repulsed and letting the fruitage of sin become ripe.
Satan knows this and seeks to cause God’s people to believe lies and engage in illicit activity so that God will remove His blessing and His “wrath” will be exercised. Like the influence of Balaam, a renegade prophet who induced Israel into idolatry, immorality and apostasy, Satan seeks to introduce falsehood and disobedience into the camp, knowing that thereby he can cause the blessing of the Lord to be removed. We’ll study God’s “wrath” in greater detail when we review the words of the third angel.
This “wine” of false doctrine is not merely offered, but forced upon “all nations,” that is, the entire world. “She has made all nations drink of the wine.” Notice the global impact of this measure. When this becomes completely fulfilled, the whole earth will feel the coercive imprint of her agenda. She falls under divine indictment for forcing the wine of her false teachings on others. The Bible addresses the indictment of Heaven against such endeavors. “Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbor, pressing him to your bottle, even to make him drunk, that you may look on his nakedness! You are filled with shame instead of glory. You also--drink! And be exposed as uncircumcised! The cup of the LORD’s right hand will be turned against you and utter shame will be on your glory.” Habakkuk 2:15, 16.
The cup of false doctrine from which she will force all to drink will focus on the substitute sabbath of Sunday, in the place of God’s true Sabbath, the seventh day. This will be the centerpiece issue of the last days. Loyalty to God, expressed by loving obedience to Him in obeying all His commandments will be contrasted with loyalty to Satan, represented by observing his replacement day of rest. The message of the third angel will speak to this more directly.
Forcing “all nations” to drink this cup of disobedience is done through the illicit relationship of church and state, the “fornication” of political power enforcing religious dogma. In Old Testament times we saw this reflected in the false religion of Jezebel united with and enforced by the royal scepter of Ahab. Jezebel, the “woman,” injected her pagan ideas by means of the authority of the crown. Thus was formed a union of church and state, destined for disaster and hardship for God’s true followers. In Christ’s day we saw this as Jewish religious leaders twisted the arm of Pilate to crucify Christ, resulting in a union of church and state. This was the prescription for religious persecution in the Middle Ages, as edicts of the Church were enforced by the power of the state.
Revelation predicts that this deadly marriage between church and state will be copied in days to come. We have not yet seen this development, but rest assured that it will come. God’s Word cannot be broken. As strange and unthinkable as it might be, that this issue would circle the entire globe and that our country, proudly hailing its heritage of religious freedom, would be at the forefront of this movement, we can be confident that it will one day take place. Prophecy cannot lie.
When this happens; when Babylon, the conglomerate of apostate religion, headed by the papacy and fallen Protestantism, joining together in “fornication” with the political powers of the state, the “kings of the earth,” bringing about the enforcement of legislation in direct denial of God’s holy law and compelling the conscience of mankind to disobey the Creator, then will her fall be full and complete. Then, with a power not yet manifested, it will truly be stated, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” May God prepare us for the times that are soon to come upon us!
We’ve seen that “Babylon” had three literal manifestations, and four that are symbolic. We’ve seen that the “fall” refers to the fall of the Christian Church which occurred during the Middle Ages, when the historical papacy departed from the safety of Scripture and began to rely on tradition. Though godly men like Wycliffe, Luther and many other sought to bring the Church back to Scriptural principles, a movement we refer to as the Protestant Reformation, nevertheless a second “fall” occurred because in general, Protestantism has abandoned her once glorious ideal, sola scriptura, and has refused to relinquish papal errors, such as Sunday sacredness and the immortality of the soul.
We’ve seen that the “wine” represents teachings, which like physical wine, intoxicate, addict and confuse and cause people to stumble. God is calling us back now to the simple and pure teachings of His Holy Word, the Bible, and lay aside those teachings and practices which deviate from Scripture.
Though these events are a matter of historical fact, there is nevertheless one aspect of the second angel’s message which has not yet become fulfilled. It is contained in the phrase, “She has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” The word “made” indicates the application of coercion, and corresponds to the word “causes” found in Revelation 13:16, which reads, “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads.” This is a forecast of force being used to implement religious teachings, something that the Church did constantly during the Middle Ages. In a nutshell, the second angel is telling us that at some point in the future, there will be a return to the tactics and strategies of the papacy, as employed in centuries past.
“She has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Babylon’s “wrath” is the arm-twisting force which is applied to compel all to worship the way she dictates. Without the true power of agape love dispensed by God’s Spirit, she is left to coerce through force, using the arm of the state. This is her “wrath.” The Middle Ages saw a plenitude of her wrath.
But we must recognize that sometimes in Scripture “wrath” can also mean something else. God’s “wrath” is not the same as human “wrath.” Instead of usage of force, the “wrath of God,” defined in Romans 1:18-28, represents His allowing the sinner to reap the consequences of his or her stubborn choices. Unlike human anger, which is self-motivated and exhibited by raised voices, God’s wrath is His stepping back, when continuously repulsed and letting the fruitage of sin become ripe.
Satan knows this and seeks to cause God’s people to believe lies and engage in illicit activity so that God will remove His blessing and His “wrath” will be exercised. Like the influence of Balaam, a renegade prophet who induced Israel into idolatry, immorality and apostasy, Satan seeks to introduce falsehood and disobedience into the camp, knowing that thereby he can cause the blessing of the Lord to be removed. We’ll study God’s “wrath” in greater detail when we review the words of the third angel.
This “wine” of false doctrine is not merely offered, but forced upon “all nations,” that is, the entire world. “She has made all nations drink of the wine.” Notice the global impact of this measure. When this becomes completely fulfilled, the whole earth will feel the coercive imprint of her agenda. She falls under divine indictment for forcing the wine of her false teachings on others. The Bible addresses the indictment of Heaven against such endeavors. “Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbor, pressing him to your bottle, even to make him drunk, that you may look on his nakedness! You are filled with shame instead of glory. You also--drink! And be exposed as uncircumcised! The cup of the LORD’s right hand will be turned against you and utter shame will be on your glory.” Habakkuk 2:15, 16.
The cup of false doctrine from which she will force all to drink will focus on the substitute sabbath of Sunday, in the place of God’s true Sabbath, the seventh day. This will be the centerpiece issue of the last days. Loyalty to God, expressed by loving obedience to Him in obeying all His commandments will be contrasted with loyalty to Satan, represented by observing his replacement day of rest. The message of the third angel will speak to this more directly.
Forcing “all nations” to drink this cup of disobedience is done through the illicit relationship of church and state, the “fornication” of political power enforcing religious dogma. In Old Testament times we saw this reflected in the false religion of Jezebel united with and enforced by the royal scepter of Ahab. Jezebel, the “woman,” injected her pagan ideas by means of the authority of the crown. Thus was formed a union of church and state, destined for disaster and hardship for God’s true followers. In Christ’s day we saw this as Jewish religious leaders twisted the arm of Pilate to crucify Christ, resulting in a union of church and state. This was the prescription for religious persecution in the Middle Ages, as edicts of the Church were enforced by the power of the state.
Revelation predicts that this deadly marriage between church and state will be copied in days to come. We have not yet seen this development, but rest assured that it will come. God’s Word cannot be broken. As strange and unthinkable as it might be, that this issue would circle the entire globe and that our country, proudly hailing its heritage of religious freedom, would be at the forefront of this movement, we can be confident that it will one day take place. Prophecy cannot lie.
When this happens; when Babylon, the conglomerate of apostate religion, headed by the papacy and fallen Protestantism, joining together in “fornication” with the political powers of the state, the “kings of the earth,” bringing about the enforcement of legislation in direct denial of God’s holy law and compelling the conscience of mankind to disobey the Creator, then will her fall be full and complete. Then, with a power not yet manifested, it will truly be stated, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” May God prepare us for the times that are soon to come upon us!
Posted in Three Angels Messages
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