January 14 Bulletin
Church Services
8:25 am*
11:00 am**
Prelude: Organ
Songs of Praise: #34 Wake the Song, #397 An Upper Room
Welcome and Announcements:
Invocation: Elder Roy Fargo
Opening Hymn: #39 Lord in the Morning
Worship in Giving: Religious Liberty
Offertory: God's Love by Kristen & Jaelyn Wong* God's Love by 3 Angels' Messages Jr. Choir**
Children’s Story: Anique Augustus
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:21 by Andrew Gonzalez* Daniel Bora**
Prayer Song: Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer by Congregation
Worship in Prayer: Andrew Gonzalez* Daniel Bora**
Worship in Song: All Things Bright and Beautiful by Kristen & Jaelyn Wong* The Covenant by 3 Angels' Messages Children's Choir**
Sermon: The Amazing Sacrifice of Jesus by Pastor John Anderson
Lords Supper: Foot washing (see below for locations) and partaking of the emblems
Closing Hymn: #300 Rock of Ages
Benediction: Pastor John Anderson
Postlude: Organ
Foot washing locations:
Women - Kindergarten Room
Men - Pathfinder Room
Families - Fellowship Hall
11:00 am**
Prelude: Organ
Songs of Praise: #34 Wake the Song, #397 An Upper Room
Welcome and Announcements:
Invocation: Elder Roy Fargo
Opening Hymn: #39 Lord in the Morning
Worship in Giving: Religious Liberty
Offertory: God's Love by Kristen & Jaelyn Wong* God's Love by 3 Angels' Messages Jr. Choir**
Children’s Story: Anique Augustus
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:21 by Andrew Gonzalez* Daniel Bora**
Prayer Song: Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer by Congregation
Worship in Prayer: Andrew Gonzalez* Daniel Bora**
Worship in Song: All Things Bright and Beautiful by Kristen & Jaelyn Wong* The Covenant by 3 Angels' Messages Children's Choir**
Sermon: The Amazing Sacrifice of Jesus by Pastor John Anderson
Lords Supper: Foot washing (see below for locations) and partaking of the emblems
Closing Hymn: #300 Rock of Ages
Benediction: Pastor John Anderson
Postlude: Organ
Foot washing locations:
Women - Kindergarten Room
Men - Pathfinder Room
Families - Fellowship Hall
Sabbath School Classes
Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)
Youth Class
Youth (Ages 15+)
Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano)
Spirit of Prophecy class now studying The Story of Redemption (Pathfinder Room)
Revelation of Hope class (Fellowship Hall and Zoom)
Make plans to join us this afternoon at 4:00 for “The Gift of Redeeming Love” sacred concert by Laura Williams at 4 pm.
Spread the word about our Whole-food plant-based cooking school beginning January 19 at 6:00 pm. RSVP on our website for this informative 5-part class.
The Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program will begin on January 23 at 6:30 pm. Watch for more information on our website and app about this dynamic 8-week program.
Pathfinder/Adventurer Bike-a-Thon is scheduled for Sunday, January 29, please donate to any pathfinder or adventurer for International Camporee and mission projects.
Pastor Anil Kanda will be coming to Mentone on February 3 & 4 to share several life-transforming messages during the weekend.
The Babylon and the Beast | America and the Mark Bible prophecy series by Amazing Facts Evangelist Martin Kim is coming to Mentone on February 17, 2023. Please prayerfully consider how you will support this effort to reach our community with the present truth message. Sign up online or at the tables in the breezeway.
Our citrus fruit trees are full and ready to be picked! If you pick and take for evangelism, there is no cost. If you would like for your own family, inquire from church office the costs.
Natural Flower Arrangements for Church: If you would like to donate or contribute natural flower arrangements for the pulpit for special occasions, please contact Yaczaira Perez at (909) 496-5521.
Spread the word about our Whole-food plant-based cooking school beginning January 19 at 6:00 pm. RSVP on our website for this informative 5-part class.
The Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program will begin on January 23 at 6:30 pm. Watch for more information on our website and app about this dynamic 8-week program.
Pathfinder/Adventurer Bike-a-Thon is scheduled for Sunday, January 29, please donate to any pathfinder or adventurer for International Camporee and mission projects.
Pastor Anil Kanda will be coming to Mentone on February 3 & 4 to share several life-transforming messages during the weekend.
The Babylon and the Beast | America and the Mark Bible prophecy series by Amazing Facts Evangelist Martin Kim is coming to Mentone on February 17, 2023. Please prayerfully consider how you will support this effort to reach our community with the present truth message. Sign up online or at the tables in the breezeway.
Our citrus fruit trees are full and ready to be picked! If you pick and take for evangelism, there is no cost. If you would like for your own family, inquire from church office the costs.
Natural Flower Arrangements for Church: If you would like to donate or contribute natural flower arrangements for the pulpit for special occasions, please contact Yaczaira Perez at (909) 496-5521.
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Posted in Bulletins
Mission Matters September 1Bulletin September 7Mission Matters September 8Bulletin September 14Mission Matters September 15Bulletin September 21Mission Matters September 22Bulletin September 28Music Verse September 28Preparation for Communion Part 1What Communion is All AboutMission Matters September 29Preparation for Communion Part 2
Preparation for Communion Part 3Preparation for Communion Part 4Preparation for Communion Part 5Bulletin Oct. 5 Preparation for Communion Part 6Wines of the BibleMission Matters October 6Bulletin Oct. 12Mission Matters October 13Bulletin October 19Mission Matters October 202025 DevotionalsBulletin October 26Mission Matters October 27Bulletin November 2