February 4 Bulletin

Church Service

Prelude: Piano
Welcome and Announcements
Baby Dedications of James Morgan and Jasper Barnard
Introit*: Church Choir
Invocation* : Pastor Anil Kanda
Songs of Praise: #388 Don’t Forget the Sabbath   #286 Wonderful Words of Life
Opening Hymn: #223 Crown Him with Many Crowns
Worship in Giving (Local Church Budget): Vlad Zaninovic
Offertory (O, That Men Would Praise the Lord): Church Choir
Children’s Story: Tina Kazzi
Scripture Reading (Jeremiah 31:3):
Prayer Song  (Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer): Congregation
Worship in Prayer*
Prayer Response*: Lord, Send Us Thy Grace by the Church Choir    
Worship in Song (Here's One): Church Choir
Sermon (Mars Hill: The Unknown God, Part 2): Pastor Anil Kanda
Closing Hymn: #163 At The Cross  
Benediction: Pastor Anil Kanda
Postlude: Piano
* Please Kneel

Sabbath School Classes

Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)

Youth Class
Youth (Ages 15+)

Young Adult Class (Has started up again! Meeting in classroom above the multi-purpose room)
Young Adults (18-35)

Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano)
Spirit of Prophecy class now studying The Story of Redemption (Pathfinder Room)
Revelation of Hope class (Fellowship Hall and Zoom)


We are glad that you have chosen to worship with us today. If we can help you in any way, please let us know by contacting one of our elders, deacons, deaconesses or by our church app/website. Please join us for a vegan Italian-themed fellowship meal after the service today.
This weekend we welcome Pastor Anil Kanda, youth director for the Central California Conference, as he shares a special 3-part series entitled, “Mars Hill, The Unknown God.” Please return at 2:00 pm after the fellowship meal for the last presentation.
Baby Dedications: We are pleased today that Dan and Rosemary Morgan and Dan and Dishawna Barnard wish to dedicate their children to the Lord, James Morgan and Jasper Barnard. May God‘s blessing rest upon these two families in a special way!
“Reigniting the Fire” – Pastor Martin Kim, our evangelist for the upcoming Bible Prophecy series will be sharing a special revival weekend. Reigniting the Fire, on Feb. 10 and 11.  This special series will prepare us for the miracles that God is sure to do during the series that begins February 17.
The Babylon and the Beast|America and the Mark Bible prophecy series by Amazing Facts Evangelist Martin Kim is coming to Mentone on February 17, 2023. Please prayerfully consider how you will support this effort to reach our community with the present truth message. Sign up online or at the tables in the breezeway.
Health Emphasis Weekend: On Friday February 24th and Sabbath February 25th we will be having several health lectures by Dr. David Emerson.  More information to follow as the date approaches.
The Arden Hills Seventh-day Adventist women’s ministry, “WINGS” (Women in God’s service), is sponsoring a ladies brunch on March 12 at 11:00 AM at the Arden Hills Church, 5801 Arden Avenue, Highland. Please bring a food item to share. There will also be a special speaker.
Please check our current mealtrains on our church website and see when you can help our members in need of this ministry.  Here is the link so you can access the mealtrains. https://mentonechurch.org/mealtrains
Birthday Blessings!: February 4th – Ellen Daniels, Michelle Imperio 6th – Michael Imperio, George Isaac, Mary Welch, Dylan Sison, 7th – Lori Urban 8th – James Morgan
Natural Flower Arrangements for Church: If you would like to donate or contribute natural flower arrangements for the pulpit for special occasions, please contact Yaczaira Perez at (909) 496-5521Our Citrus fruit trees are full and ready to be picked! If you pick for evangelism, there is no cost. If you would like for your own family, inquire from church office the costs.
Mentone Apps: Download our family of apps for your phone, tablet, and smart TV at www.mentonechurch.org/apps.
Have you seen our blog? If not, visit www.mentonechurch.org/blog
Interested in soul-winning? Visit www.mentonechurch.org/evangelism to enroll in a 12-week online course that will give you practical skills to win people for Jesus Christ and His truth.

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