May 13 Bulletin
Church Services
8:30 am*
11:00 am**
Prelude: Organ
Welcome and Announcements: Elder John Irlam
Introit+: Organ
Invocation+: Pastor Rodney Bowes
Songs of Praise: #304 Faith of Our Fathers, #303 Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Opening Hymn: #88 I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Worship In Giving (Disaster & Famine Relief - GC & NAD): John Irlam
Offertory: Dearest Mother by Kristen Page, Anisa and Emily Urban*
Palm Branches by 3 Angels' Messages Children's Choir**
Baptism: Nathan Bluhm**
Special Music for Baptism: His Eye is on the Sparrow by Elijah Oyoyo and Wade Saint Martin**
Children’s Story: Patty Perez
Scripture Reading (Isaiah 49:15,16): Kim Tarbell* Sofia and Francesca Garcia**
Prayer Song (Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer): Congregation
Worship in Prayer+: Kyle Tarbell* Stacey Garcia**
Worship in Song: Be Still My Soul by Kristen Page, Anisa and Emily Urban*
The Three Angels by 3 Angels' Messages Children's Choir**
Sermon: Graven on the Palms of His Hands by Pastor Rodney Bowes
Closing Hymn: #181 Does Jesus Care?
Benediction: Pastor Rodney Bowes
Postlude: Organ
+ Please Kneel
Sabbath School Classes
10:00 am
Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)
Youth Class
Youth (Ages 15+)
Young Adult Class (Meets in classroom above the multi-purpose room)
Young Adults (18-35)
Adult Classes
Adult Sabbath School Class (Sanctuary)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano)
Discipleship Class (Room behind the organ)
Spirit of Prophecy class now studying The Story of Redemption (Pathfinder Room)
Revelation of Hope class (Fellowship Hall and Zoom)
Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)
Youth Class
Youth (Ages 15+)
Young Adult Class (Meets in classroom above the multi-purpose room)
Young Adults (18-35)
Adult Classes
Adult Sabbath School Class (Sanctuary)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano)
Discipleship Class (Room behind the organ)
Spirit of Prophecy class now studying The Story of Redemption (Pathfinder Room)
Revelation of Hope class (Fellowship Hall and Zoom)
We are glad that you have chosen to worship with us today. If we can help you in any way, please let us know by contacting one of our elders, deacons, deaconesses or by our church app/website.
Today we welcome to our church family Nathan Bluhm, joining us by baptism. May the Lord prosper his journey to the kingdom. We welcome all the members of his family and friends who are here today to witness this joyous event and support him in his decision.
Fellowship Meal following the second service, our theme is vegan Indian/Middle Eastern/Pakistani food. Please stay and enjoy a healthy nutricious meal and fellowship.
"Health Law #1: Trust (in Divine Power)" With Jon Opsahl. We are meeting at 1:00 pm in the Youth Room after Fellowship Meal.
GLOW at Mentone: Spanish tracts and titles that focus on the Sabbath as a memorial. To share your GLOW testimony on the third Sabbath of each month contact Nathalia Rasman at 951-796-4948 or
Discipleship Handbook: Join us as we begin the section three entitle Personal Witnessing. See our blog for more resources about our mission as described in chapter 7.
Mentone Women’s Ministry is presenting a Ladies luncheon on Sunday, June 4 at 1 p.m. There will be a wonderful program and live music for your enjoyment and blessing. Please RSVP to: 909-362-6572 no later than May 20.
Music camp is coming to Mentone June 11-17. Registration is open. Check it out at
Strategic Plan - In an effort to reach our strategic goals our church elder’s will be contacting every member in the coming weeks.
Radio Station - We have made several technical improvements to the KWRS Radio station (107.3) and are working toward implementing custom programming in June. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Beehive Building - After months of dialogue and renovations the building on Mentone Blvd is almost ready for us to begin our outreach to the community. Based on our business meeting vote we plan to sign the lease very soon. Support this project by giving to the “Mentone Beehive."
Church Directory: Please review your information in our online church directory. If need to update any of the information, please edit it yourself or send them to
Please check our current Mealtrains on our church website and see when you can help our members in need of this ministry. Here is the link,
Today we welcome to our church family Nathan Bluhm, joining us by baptism. May the Lord prosper his journey to the kingdom. We welcome all the members of his family and friends who are here today to witness this joyous event and support him in his decision.
Fellowship Meal following the second service, our theme is vegan Indian/Middle Eastern/Pakistani food. Please stay and enjoy a healthy nutricious meal and fellowship.
"Health Law #1: Trust (in Divine Power)" With Jon Opsahl. We are meeting at 1:00 pm in the Youth Room after Fellowship Meal.
GLOW at Mentone: Spanish tracts and titles that focus on the Sabbath as a memorial. To share your GLOW testimony on the third Sabbath of each month contact Nathalia Rasman at 951-796-4948 or
Discipleship Handbook: Join us as we begin the section three entitle Personal Witnessing. See our blog for more resources about our mission as described in chapter 7.
Mentone Women’s Ministry is presenting a Ladies luncheon on Sunday, June 4 at 1 p.m. There will be a wonderful program and live music for your enjoyment and blessing. Please RSVP to: 909-362-6572 no later than May 20.
Music camp is coming to Mentone June 11-17. Registration is open. Check it out at
Strategic Plan - In an effort to reach our strategic goals our church elder’s will be contacting every member in the coming weeks.
Radio Station - We have made several technical improvements to the KWRS Radio station (107.3) and are working toward implementing custom programming in June. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Beehive Building - After months of dialogue and renovations the building on Mentone Blvd is almost ready for us to begin our outreach to the community. Based on our business meeting vote we plan to sign the lease very soon. Support this project by giving to the “Mentone Beehive."
Church Directory: Please review your information in our online church directory. If need to update any of the information, please edit it yourself or send them to
Please check our current Mealtrains on our church website and see when you can help our members in need of this ministry. Here is the link,
PDF Bulletin
Posted in Bulletins
Mission Matters September 1Bulletin September 7Mission Matters September 8Bulletin September 14Mission Matters September 15Bulletin September 21Mission Matters September 22Bulletin September 28Music Verse September 28Preparation for Communion Part 1What Communion is All AboutMission Matters September 29Preparation for Communion Part 2
Preparation for Communion Part 3Preparation for Communion Part 4Preparation for Communion Part 5Bulletin Oct. 5 Preparation for Communion Part 6Wines of the BibleMission Matters October 6Bulletin Oct. 12Mission Matters October 13Bulletin October 19Mission Matters October 202025 DevotionalsBulletin October 26Mission Matters October 27Bulletin November 2