July 8 Bulletin

Church Service 

8:30 am*
11:00 am**

Prelude: Organ
Welcome and Announcements: Elder Bevan Geslani
Introit+:  Organ
Invocation+:  Pastor John Anderson
Songs of Praise: #74 Like a River Glorious,  #179 The Wonders of Redeeming Love
Opening Hymn: #75 The Wonder of it All
Worship In Giving (World Budget, GC): Bevan Geslani
Offertory:  Here's My Everything by Engraved* Great is Thy Faithfulness by Angelica & Janis Smith**     
Children’s Story: Patricia Perez
Scripture Reading (Matthew 25:1-7): Cindy Saca* Paula Moretta**
Prayer Song  (Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer): Congregation
Worship in Prayer+: Luis Saca* Carlos Moretta**
Worship in Song:  Gotta Get Jesus by Engraved* There is a Fountain by Angelica & Janis Smith**
Sermon:  Peter and the Wine Workers by Pastor John Anderson              
Closing Hymn: #205 Gleams of the Golden Morning
Benediction Pastor John Anderson 
Postlude: Organ
+ Please Kneel

Sabbath School Classes 

10:00 am

Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)

Youth Class
Youth (Ages 15+)

Young Adult Class (Meets in classroom above the multi-purpose room)
Young Adults (18-35)

Adult Classes
Adult Sabbath School Class  (Sanctuary)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano)
Discipleship Class (Room behind the organ)
Spirit of Prophecy class now studying The Story of Redemption (Pathfinder Room)
Revelation of Hope class (Fellowship Hall and Zoom)

PDF Bulletin

Vacation Bible School

Mission for Kenya

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