Bulletin October 21

Church at Worship

 8:30* 11:00 am**
Prelude: Organ
Welcome and Announcements: Elder Helmuth Fritz
Introit+: Organ
Invocation: Pastor Guilherme Borda
Songs of Praise: #366 O Where are the Reapers? #369 Bringing in the Sheaves
Opening Hymn: #313 Just as I Am
Worship in Giving: Helmuth Fritz (Local Church Budget)
Offertory: This is My Father’s World by Sandy Teichman* Be Thou My Vision by Ivan & Julian Peace, Alissa Tanguay**
Children’s Story: Joyce Caraway
Scripture Reading: James 4:10 by Orville Klein* Marsha Nagel**
Prayer Song (Our Dear Father Hear our Prayer)+ Congregation
Worship in Prayer: Donna Rowe* Don Shelton**
Worship in Song: Oh, Great God by Janis Smith* The Lord's Prayer by Ivan & Julian Peace, Alissa Tanguay**
Sermon: Living in the Time of the End Pastor Guilherme Borda
Closing Hymn: #309 I Surrender All
Benediction: Pastor Guilherme Borda
Postlude: Organ
+ Please Kneel

Sabbath Schools

Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)

Youth (Ages 15+)

Young Adult Class (Ages 18-35) (meets in classroom above multi-purpose room)

Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano)
Discipleship Class (Room behind the organ)
Spirit of Prophecy class now studying The Story of Redemption (Pathfinder Room)
Revelation of Hope class (Fellowship Hall and Zoom)
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