Pinnacle of Prophecy Update

Due to the cold temperatures we are moving the Pinnacle of Prophecy meetings into the church sanctuary.

Here is a schedule of the Pinnacle of Prophecy meetings this week. Please note that all the meetings below start at 7:00 pm EXCEPT for a Tuesday, when we have a special health lecture by Dr. David DeRose - beginning at 6:30 pm.

Sunday, October 29 - The Coming King
Tuesday, October 31 - The Law Or Grace (join us at 6:30 pm for a special health lecture)
Wednesday, November 1* - Worshipping the Creator
Thursday, November 2 - The Temple of God
Friday, November 3 - The Hour of His Judgment
Saturday, November 4 - To Every Nation and Tongue

* Please note that the Wednesday night prayer meeting has been canceled for the next two weeks (November 1 and November 8).




