Black Friday Outreach

Please join us for an AMAZING OUTREACH opportunity!!  

The whole church is invited to a Black Friday Coloring Book Give Away.  

We are thinking about having 2 outreach opportunities:
  1. Thanksgiving night 11/23 or early in the morning 11/24 as people are lined up outside of the shopping centers.  We will get out of the way before the stampede!!  
  2. Friday afternoon 11/24 after the rush, around 1 pm.  We'll meet people at the shopping malls, in parking lots, etc.  

People were very happy to receive this book for halloween!  And we hope this will also be a rewarding experience as well!!  

We will give you more specifics about the time and locations as we get closer.  Please call/text Rohini at 909-801-0406 so we can get an idea of how many would like to participate.  




