Mission Matters December 29

Inspiration for the Week

Bible Verses

Philippians 1:3,4 - I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy...


Christ’s Object Lessons, 354.   “As we seek to win others to Christ, bearing the burden of souls in our prayers, our own hearts will throb with the quickening influence of God’s grace; our own affections will glow with more divine fervor; our whole Christian life will be more of a reality, more earnest, more prayerful.”

Testimonies, 80.   “We should hold convocations for prayer, asking the Lord to open the way for the truth to enter the strongholds where Satan has set up his throne, and dispel the shadow he has cast athwart the pathway of those who he is seeking to deceive and destroy.”

This Day With God, 171.   “Oh, that the earnest prayer of faith may arise everywhere, Give me souls buried now in the rubbish of error, or I die! Bring them to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus.”

Mission Reports

The Right Arm of the Gospel

True medical missionary work is of heavenly origin. It was not originated by any person who lives. But in connection with this work we see so much which dishonors God that I am instructed to say, The medical missionary work is of divine origin and has a most glorious mission to fulfill. In all its bearings it is to be in conformity with Christ's work. Those who are workers together with God will just as surely represent the character of Christ as Christ represented the character of His Father while in this world.—Medical Ministry, 24.
Video to Share (on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Email, etc.)

Giving Light to Our World (GLOW)

This month’s emphasis is Crunch Time! Remember the literature goal you made in January to get out a least one GLOW tract per day? This month’s emphasis is to try to get out whatever part of that goal you have not reached yet. This is the last month of the year! It’s crunch time!!

Conversation Question: “What is the greatest gift you have ever given in your life, and to whom did you give it?”

Suggestions from GLOW:

Make packets of health-related GLOW; tie them with red ribbons and give them out on World AIDS Day.

  • Go door to door and give out (nutritious) holiday treats with GLOW.
  • On Cookie Day, have a stand with free cookies and GLOW in a high-traffic area.
  • Hand out “winter preparedness tips” along with GLOW.
  • Go caroling with church friends and pass out GLOW.
  • Personally pass out 300 “Gift of Joy” tracts during this month.
Digital Glow (to share on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Email, etc.)

Featured Resources for Mission

Click on the images below to be taken to resources that you can share with people in your circle of influence.

Websites to Share

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