February 12 Bulletin
8:25 am* 11:00 am**
Song Leader: Gary Strunk* Irfan Rasman**
Pianist: Belen Lohr* Joyce Rapp**
Organist: Joyce Rapp
Lead Deacon: David Park
Songs of Praise: #337 Redeemed, #384 Safely Through Another Week
Invocation: Elder David Smith
Opening Hymn: #88 I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Offering (Adventist Television Ministries & Prayer): David Smith
Offertory*: With All My Heart by Deborah Rodman
Offertory**: Consider the Lilies by Three Angels' Messages Children's Choir**
Children’s Story:
Children will stay in their seats
Scripture: Ephesians 4:11, 12
Prayer song: Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer
Special Music*: Ceaseless Praise by Deborah Rodman
Special Music**: Send Me by Three Angels' Messages Children's Choir
Sermon: Equipped to Serve by Pastor John Anderson
Closing Hymn: #191 Love Divine
Benediction: Pastor John Anderson
Song Leader: Gary Strunk* Irfan Rasman**
Pianist: Belen Lohr* Joyce Rapp**
Organist: Joyce Rapp
Lead Deacon: David Park
Songs of Praise: #337 Redeemed, #384 Safely Through Another Week
Invocation: Elder David Smith
Opening Hymn: #88 I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Offering (Adventist Television Ministries & Prayer): David Smith
Offertory*: With All My Heart by Deborah Rodman
Offertory**: Consider the Lilies by Three Angels' Messages Children's Choir**
Children’s Story:
Children will stay in their seats
Scripture: Ephesians 4:11, 12
Prayer song: Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer
Special Music*: Ceaseless Praise by Deborah Rodman
Special Music**: Send Me by Three Angels' Messages Children's Choir
Sermon: Equipped to Serve by Pastor John Anderson
Closing Hymn: #191 Love Divine
Benediction: Pastor John Anderson
Classes begin at 9:45 am
Children’s Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)
Youth and Young Adult Classes
Youth (Ages 15-18)
Young Adults (Ages 18 - 35)
Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary class will meet in the Three Angels' Tabernacle)
Adult Lesson Study (Room Behind the Piano Class will meet outside)
Spirit of Prophecy class studying Great Controversy (Room Behind the Organ Class)
Great Controversy class (Fellowship Hall and Zoom with Pastor John Anderson)
Children’s Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)
Youth and Young Adult Classes
Youth (Ages 15-18)
Young Adults (Ages 18 - 35)
Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary class will meet in the Three Angels' Tabernacle)
Adult Lesson Study (Room Behind the Piano Class will meet outside)
Spirit of Prophecy class studying Great Controversy (Room Behind the Organ Class)
Great Controversy class (Fellowship Hall and Zoom with Pastor John Anderson)
1:30 pm - Help prepare the GLOW tracts for the SuperBowl at the picnic tables outside the multi-purpose room (we also need help on Sunday morning at 9:30 am)
Great Controversy literature distribution:
Loma Linda/Colton Area with AdventHope - Meet at 2pm at the Loma Linda market parking lot
Mentone/Redlands area - meet at 2pm in the Tabernacle
The Arden Hills church is hosting the Revelation Revealed Bible Prophecy Seminar which runs February 18 through March 12. They have 35,000 flyers that need to be passed out to the community by hand and they need your help! They are passing them out this Sabbath afternoon (February 12) from 1:30-5:30. If you would like to join them at any point, feel free to head up to Arden Hills (5801 Arden Ave, Highland) and let Pastor Jeff (706-508-8054) know you are there!
5:30 pm – Sunset
6:00 pm - All seniors are invited to a game night this Saturday night, February 12, at 6 p.m. till whenever, in the fellowship hall. Please bring your favorite game(s), and snacks to share if you wish. And bring a friend.
Great Controversy literature distribution:
Loma Linda/Colton Area with AdventHope - Meet at 2pm at the Loma Linda market parking lot
Mentone/Redlands area - meet at 2pm in the Tabernacle
The Arden Hills church is hosting the Revelation Revealed Bible Prophecy Seminar which runs February 18 through March 12. They have 35,000 flyers that need to be passed out to the community by hand and they need your help! They are passing them out this Sabbath afternoon (February 12) from 1:30-5:30. If you would like to join them at any point, feel free to head up to Arden Hills (5801 Arden Ave, Highland) and let Pastor Jeff (706-508-8054) know you are there!
5:30 pm – Sunset
6:00 pm - All seniors are invited to a game night this Saturday night, February 12, at 6 p.m. till whenever, in the fellowship hall. Please bring your favorite game(s), and snacks to share if you wish. And bring a friend.
See our events page for a full list of our upcoming events
Posted in Bulletins
Mission Matters September 1Bulletin September 7Mission Matters September 8Bulletin September 14Mission Matters September 15Bulletin September 21Mission Matters September 22Bulletin September 28Music Verse September 28Preparation for Communion Part 1What Communion is All AboutMission Matters September 29Preparation for Communion Part 2
Preparation for Communion Part 3Preparation for Communion Part 4Preparation for Communion Part 5Bulletin Oct. 5 Preparation for Communion Part 6Wines of the BibleMission Matters October 6Bulletin Oct. 12Mission Matters October 13Bulletin October 19Mission Matters October 202025 DevotionalsBulletin October 26Mission Matters October 27Bulletin November 2