February 26 Bulletin
Worship Services
8:25 am* 11:00 am**
Song Leader: Sally Muthiah* Denise Templeton and Holly Jenkins**
Pianist: Arun Muthiah* Judy Northrop**
Organist: Joyce Rapp*
Lead Deacon: Daryl Basarte
Songs of Praise: #341 To God Be The Glory, #305 Give Me Jesus
Invocation: Elder Beven Geslani* Vladimir Zaninovic**
Opening Hymn: #75 The Wonder of it All
Offering (Conference Church & School Building Fund) & Prayer
Offertory: My Redeemer is Faithful and True by Holly Jenkins**
Children’s Story:
Children will stay in their seats
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14
Prayer song: Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer
Prayer: Beven Geslani* Vladimir Zaninovic**
Special Music: Can You Reach My Friend by Denise Templeton and Holly Jenkins**
Sermon: Solomon and the Three Angels' Messages by Pastor John Anderson
Closing Hymn: #375 Work for the Night is Coming
Benediction: Pastor John Anderson
Song Leader: Sally Muthiah* Denise Templeton and Holly Jenkins**
Pianist: Arun Muthiah* Judy Northrop**
Organist: Joyce Rapp*
Lead Deacon: Daryl Basarte
Songs of Praise: #341 To God Be The Glory, #305 Give Me Jesus
Invocation: Elder Beven Geslani* Vladimir Zaninovic**
Opening Hymn: #75 The Wonder of it All
Offering (Conference Church & School Building Fund) & Prayer
Offertory: My Redeemer is Faithful and True by Holly Jenkins**
Children’s Story:
Children will stay in their seats
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14
Prayer song: Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer
Prayer: Beven Geslani* Vladimir Zaninovic**
Special Music: Can You Reach My Friend by Denise Templeton and Holly Jenkins**
Sermon: Solomon and the Three Angels' Messages by Pastor John Anderson
Closing Hymn: #375 Work for the Night is Coming
Benediction: Pastor John Anderson
Sabbath Schools
Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3 )
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)
Youth and Young Adult Classes
Youth (Ages 15+)
Young Adult (Ages 18-35)
Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano will be outside)
Spirit of Prophecy class studying Great Controversy (Room behind the organ)
Pastor's Great Controversy class (Fellowship hall and Zoom)
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3 )
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)
Youth and Young Adult Classes
Youth (Ages 15+)
Young Adult (Ages 18-35)
Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano will be outside)
Spirit of Prophecy class studying Great Controversy (Room behind the organ)
Pastor's Great Controversy class (Fellowship hall and Zoom)
Afternoon Activities
2:00 pm - Great Controversy Distribution
For Colton/Loma Linda meet at the Loma Linda market and for Mentone meet at the Tabernacle
For Colton/Loma Linda meet at the Loma Linda market and for Mentone meet at the Tabernacle
PATHWAY to HEALTH - Do you want to participate in the ultimate human experience? Learn more about an amazing opportunity that you can be part of on February 26,2022 at 4 p.m. at Loma Linda University Church.
Make plans to join our Mentone Spring Convocation April 8-10. We are planning a dental clinic on the 8th, a full day of worship and fellowship on the 9th and a community health expo and blood drive on the 10th. We need lots of volunteers to help in many different areas. Please see www.mentonechurch.org/spring2022.
A Thinking Generation seminar by Joshua White is coming to Mentone on March 4-5. Through research, brain science, and an understanding of child-development, this fascinating 5-part seminar gives a wealth of insights on how to best work with the developing mind.
Those who have served in Guam and in Micronesia and friends of those who have served are invited to the Guam Micronesia Alumni Reunion on March 5, Saturday at 7 pm at Linda Hall of the Campus Hill Church in Loma Linda. Reports of the work in Guam and Micronesia will be shared that evening. A light meal will be served.
Music Camp at Mentone for ages 6-13 is open for early bird registration until February 28. The day camp will be from June 5-11. Additional information will be available for two more tracks for ages 13+ called Music Ministry Training and Music for Everyone. Please visit iymcsda.org/mentone for registration & more information. Financial aid is available.
Share Love’s Last Call and the Great Controversy with your neighbors. We have received part of our large order of Love’s Last Call GLOW tracts and encourage everyone to share them with our neighborhoods. We also want to encourage you to adopt an area around our church to share the Great Controversy with. We have teams that go out every Sabbath at 2:00 pm (at the Loma Linda Market and the Tabernacle).
Make plans to join our Mentone Spring Convocation April 8-10. We are planning a dental clinic on the 8th, a full day of worship and fellowship on the 9th and a community health expo and blood drive on the 10th. We need lots of volunteers to help in many different areas. Please see www.mentonechurch.org/spring2022.
A Thinking Generation seminar by Joshua White is coming to Mentone on March 4-5. Through research, brain science, and an understanding of child-development, this fascinating 5-part seminar gives a wealth of insights on how to best work with the developing mind.
Those who have served in Guam and in Micronesia and friends of those who have served are invited to the Guam Micronesia Alumni Reunion on March 5, Saturday at 7 pm at Linda Hall of the Campus Hill Church in Loma Linda. Reports of the work in Guam and Micronesia will be shared that evening. A light meal will be served.
Music Camp at Mentone for ages 6-13 is open for early bird registration until February 28. The day camp will be from June 5-11. Additional information will be available for two more tracks for ages 13+ called Music Ministry Training and Music for Everyone. Please visit iymcsda.org/mentone for registration & more information. Financial aid is available.
Share Love’s Last Call and the Great Controversy with your neighbors. We have received part of our large order of Love’s Last Call GLOW tracts and encourage everyone to share them with our neighborhoods. We also want to encourage you to adopt an area around our church to share the Great Controversy with. We have teams that go out every Sabbath at 2:00 pm (at the Loma Linda Market and the Tabernacle).
Posted in Bulletins
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Preparation for Communion Part 3Preparation for Communion Part 4Preparation for Communion Part 5Bulletin Oct. 5 Preparation for Communion Part 6Wines of the BibleMission Matters October 6Bulletin Oct. 12Mission Matters October 13Bulletin October 19Mission Matters October 202025 DevotionalsBulletin October 26Mission Matters October 27Bulletin November 2