March 26 Bulletin


8:25 am* 11:00 am**

Songs of Praise:  #319 Lord I Want To Be A Christian, #338 Redeemed
Invocation: Elder Ivan Buchheim
Opening Hymn: #163 At the Cross
Offering (Conference Wide Evangelism) & Prayer: Ivan Buchheim
Offertory: Beautiful Savior by the Church Choir
Children’s Story: Janis Smith
  Children please get the baskets at the back of the church and come forward for the story
Scripture: Revelation 3:20
Prayer song: Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer
Prayer:  Ron Wickerd**
Special Music: A New Name In Glory by the Church Choir
Message: The Knock on the Door by Pastor John Anderson
Foot Washing and Lord's Supper
Closing Hymn: Send Us Thy Power
Benediction: Pastor John Anderson


Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3 )
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)

Youth and Young Adult Classes
Youth (Ages 15+)
Young Adult (Ages 18-35)

Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano will be outside)
Spirit of Prophecy class studying The Final Crisis and Deliverance (Pathfinder Room)
Pastor's Great Controversy class (Fellowship hall and Zoom)


2pm Great Controversy Distribution: Please join us to distribute this powerful book to every home in our area! There are two locations that we are currently working in Colton and Mentone. Both groups meet at 2:00 pm for training and prayer:
Colton area with Advent Hope - meet at the Loma Linda market
Mentone area - meet in the Three Angels' Gospel tabernacle

7:05 pm - Sunset


Make plans to join our Mentone I Will Go Spring Convocation April 8-10. Speakers will include Dr. John Shin, Pastor Dennis Priebe, Pastor John Lomacang, and Pastor John Anderson. We need a lot of volunteers for the weekend. Please see      
Health Expo and Blood Drive – We still need volunteers for our April 10 community health expo. Sign up using the link for the Spring Convocation or the forms on the table just outside the church foyer.

Exciting Music Camp opportunities for ages 6-13 are coming to Mentone from June 5-11. Please visit for registration and more information.

Music Ministry Training for ages 13+ is open for early bird registration until March 31. Please visit for more information.
The Institute of Young Musicians for Christ (directed by our friend Daniel Cerna) is thrilled to be traveling to Madagascar to host a music camp for over 100 school children who have little to no access to music education! If you would like to support this worthy endeavor please visit

Share Love’s Last Call and the Great Controversy with your neighbors. We have received part of our large order of Love’s Last Call GLOW tracts and encourage everyone to share them with our neighborhoods. We also want to encourage you to adopt an area around our church to share the Great Controversy with.  We have teams that go out every Sabbath at 2:00 pm (at the Loma Linda Market and the Tabernacle).

Best Weigh Program volunteers needed. If you would like to help with this dynamic ministry please contact Dr. Jason Lohr.

We need more volunteers to help write cards for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events.  Please contact Ethel Meyer, if you are interested:  909-289-0765

Kevin Gardner and Amber Oropeza are getting married, let’s celebrate! A wedding shower will be held on March 27th at 1pm  at the Arden Hills church fellowship hall. All are welcome! Check out their registry at Bed Bath and Beyond or a monetary gift would be appreciated.


as of March 15, 2022
Church Budget: $48,583.50 (goal $52,527.69 to date)
Mentone 10-40: $12,407.38 (goal $52,527.69 to date)
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