April 23 Bulletin

Church Services

8:25 am* 11:00 am**

Songs of Praise:  #95 Spring Has Now Unwrapped the Flowers, #88 I Sing the Mighty Power of God
Invocation: Elder John Irlam
Opening Hymn: #71 Come, Thou Almighty King
Offering (SECC K-12 Scholarship Fund) & Prayer: John Irlam
Offertory: Fairest Lord Jesus by the Rainbow Bells
Children’s Story: Anique Augustus
  Children please get the baskets at the back of the church and come forward for the story
Scripture: Isaiah 4:1 John Irlam* Marie McCalla**
Prayer song: Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer
Prayer: John Irlam* Karl McCalla**
Special Music: O Worship the King by the Belleplate Choir
Message: In That Day , Part 1 by Pastor John Anderson
Closing Hymn: #633 When We All Get to Heaven
Benediction: Pastor John Anderson

Sabbath Schools

Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3 )
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)

Youth and Young Adult Classes
Youth (Ages 15+)
Young Adult (Ages 18-35)

Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano will be outside)
Spirit of Prophecy class studying The Final Crisis and Deliverance (Pathfinder Room)
Pastor's Great Controversy class (Fellowship hall and Zoom)


Join us on Sunday, April 24 for the International Food Festival. RSVP on our website.

The Best Weigh program begins on April 25 at 7pm. See www.mentonechurch.org/bestweigh for more information.

We would like to invite you and your friends to an evangelistic concert on May 14 at 5 PM at Mentone Seventh-day Adventist Church. Please invite your neighbors and other contacts.

IYMC is offering at Mentone exciting Music Camp opportunities for ages 6-13 from June 5-11. Please visit iymcsda.org/mentone for registration and more information.

Music Ministry Training is for musicians ages 13 and up who wish to improve their musical skills and better understand the intersection between music and service. Attendees gain inspiration, guidance, and the practical training needed to revitalize music ministry. Over the course of a week, these classes equip students to be better music ministers in their local churches and beyond. Early bird registration is until April 12. Please visit iymcsda.org/mmt for more information.

Music For Everyone at Mentone SDA Church is designed for teens and adults who never had the opportunity to study music growing up but have a desire to begin their journey now. Perhaps you did take music lessons in your youth but it’s been so long you hardly remember anything. This is the event for you! Attendees will have the option to study piano, guitar, or voice. This one-hour class will be held from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM over the course of five days. Early bird registration is until April 12.  Please visit iymcsda.org/mfe.
The Institute of Young Musicians for Christ is thrilled to be traveling to Madagascar to host a music camp for over 100 school children who have little to no access to music education! If you would like to support this worthy endeavor please visit https://www.iymcsda.org/madagascar.

Share Love’s Last Call and the Great Controversy with your neighbors. We have received part of our large order of Love’s Last Call GLOW tracts and encourage everyone to share them with our neighborhoods. We also want to encourage you to adopt an area around our church to share the Great Controversy with.  We have teams that go out every Sabbath at 2:00 pm (meet at the Loma Linda Market or the fellowship hall).
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