Three Angels Messages Part 44

Welcome once again, and thanks for joining with us, as we continue our study of the Three Angels’ Messages. Having discussed the messages of the first and second angels, we now proceed to the message of the third angel. “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.’”
            Of all the messages of the Bible, none is more serious and somber than this one. Have you noticed that in the Bible sometimes important messages are given in a package of “three”? God called out to little Samuel three times. There were three decrees given by Cyrus, Darius and Artaxerxes giving permission for Judah to return to her homeland. The Lord showed Peter the vision of the sheet filled with unclean animals three times. The three-fold format of these messages suggests that this is something of supreme importance.
            These messages in Revelation 14 contain warnings concerning which every person on this planet should give careful and prayerful consideration. The third angel’s message, along with the other two, should be studied diligently, with every word and phrase being given its due weight and meaning. What’s more important? Knowing the price of a certain stock, or knowing the third angel’s message? What’s more important? Knowing the score from a recent sporting event, or knowing the third angel’s message? What’s more important? Knowing the “in’s and out’s” of some frivolous soap opera, or knowing the third angel’s message? We need not answer verbally; we give our answer to those questions by our actions.
            The topics posed by this third message are several. We must ascertain what the “beast” is and identify its “mark.” Along with that, a companion study of God’s “mark” or “seal” is a natural and necessary addition. What does it mean to receive the beast’s mark in the “forehead” or in the “hand”? What does it mean to drink of the “wine of God’s wrath,” and what does the phrase “full strength” indicate? What about the “torment” that is brought to light, and the “smoke that ascends forever and ever”? Why does the angel’s message end with the spotlight focusing on those who “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus”? All these questions deserve Bible answers.
The first question we must address is, “What or who is the ‘breast’”? We’ll never know what the “mark of the beast” is, unless we know what the “beast” is. As important as this part of our study is, be reminded that while we must know about the “beast,” it’s more important to know the “Lamb,” Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God! Having an understanding of the symbols of prophecy is vital, to be sure, but knowing all about that without having a saving relationship with Jesus will profit nothing. The Jews of Jesus’ day knew something about prophecy, but they didn’t know Him!
We are familiar with animals being used as mascots or symbols for various organizations, sporting teams or nations. A “bear” calls to mind Russia or the state of California; a “lion” the United Kingdom, and so on. This practice goes back millennia, with archeological discoveries unearthing the same phenomena in ancient artwork and architecture.
            The Lord made use of a similar scheme in His delivery of messages through His prophets. The vision of the wild beasts of Daniel 7 is an excellent example of this. In this portrayal, the lion represented Babylon, the bear stood for Medo-Persia, the leopard for Greece and the non-descript beast symbolized Rome. Said the angel to Daniel, “The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth.” Daniel 4:17. Even before the time of Christ these symbols were clearly understood.
            Using the Scriptures as being the best source of interpretation for its symbols, we would look first, as we read the message of the third angel speaking of a “beast,” to a kingdom or power as being its anti-type. Are we given any clues as to what kingdom or power this beast might be? Actually, there are no clues to its identity contained within the messages of the three angels themselves. But remember, originally, there were no chapter or verse divisions in the Scripture; it read as one narrative. Since none are given within the messages of the three angels themselves, we must go back a bit to find its antecedent and its identifying clues.
            Helpfully, we find that in reading the previous chapter, Revelation 13, we are introduced to a “beast” which has a “mark.” Actually, we are shown two beasts, which immediately raises the question as to which of these two in chapter 13, Revelation 14 is speaking. Revelation 13, verses 1-10 focus on the “beast from the sea,” while in verse 11 our attention is directed to another “beast coming up out of the earth.” Verses 12-19 of Revelation 13 portray the cooperative effort of these two “beasts,” culminating in the erection of an “image” of and to the first beast and the placement of a “mark of the beast,” enforced upon all. It must be to this “beast” and this “mark” that the angel of Revelation 14 is speaking.
            Which of the two beasts is the one that has the “mark”? Does the “mark” belong to the first or second beast? A careful reading of the last verses of chapter 13 of Revelation reveals that the term “beast,” as referring to the second beast, is used only once, appearing in verse 11. Thereafter, the Scripture uses the pronoun “he” when speaking of this second beast. If you read verses 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, you will see this to be the case. When the term “beast” is used in these remaining verses of chapter 13, it is clear that it is speaking of the first beast. We don’t have to guess about this. In verse 12 it is referred to as the “first beast,” and as “the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” This is clear and unambiguous.
            In verse 14 we find the word “beast” being described as “the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived,” again referring clearly to first “beast” of the chapter. In the words just previous to that phrase, we find that it is this first beast of which an “image” will be made. Once more, there is nothing uncertain as to which of the two beasts it is speaking. In verse 15 we find that “he” (consistently referring to the second beast) gives breath to the image of the “beast” (which must logically be the first beast), compelling the worship of the image of the “beast.” Again, it is obvious that the first “beast” is referred to.
            Verse 16 continues saying that “he” (the second beast) causes all to receive a “mark,” either on their right hand or forehead, causing that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the “beast.” Since the format has consistently shown that, other than first time when the second animal is introduced as the “beast coming out of the earth,” the pronoun “he” is used to refer to the second beast and the remaining times the term “beast” is found in this chapter it is speaking of the “first” beast, the one “who was wounded by the sword and lived.” The usage of the definite article, “the,” further identifies “the beast” as being the first beast, the one from the “sea.” The term “beast” in verse 16, the one which has the “mark,” therefore must also refer to the first beast revealed in the chapter.
            To what power or kingdom is the term “beast” referring in the first 10 verses of Revelation? This is absolutely vital to know, because it is this kingdom or power which will have the “mark” which must be avoided at all costs, according to the third angel’s message. If you don’t know what the “beast” is, you won’t know what the “mark of the beast” is. It’s that simple.
            As we study the clues given in the first 10 verses of chapter 13, we will also compare them with other prophetic pictures given in Scripture. Remember, there are at least 7 references, through various prophetic symbols, in the Bible to this entity. By repetition, the Lord is giving emphasis to this subject. From heaven’s viewpoint, it’s very important to know about this!
            Please join us next time as we delve into the identity of this first beast beast, the one from the sea, which has a mysterious and critical “mark” which must be avoided. Along with that, please remember that knowing the “Lamb,” that is, Jesus, is even more important than knowing about the “beast”!




