Bulletin August 24

Church Services 8:30 am* and 11:00 am**

Prelude: Organ
Welcome and Announcements: Elder Keith Perman
Introit+: Organ
Invocation: Pastor Fred Dana
Songs of Praise: #305 Give Me Jesus, #422 Marching to Zion
Opening Hymn: #431 Over Yonder
Worship in Giving (Pine Springs Christian Youth Camp and Retreat Center: Keith Perman
Offertory: My Tribute by Irfan Rasman
Children’s Story:  Margie Perman 
Scripture Reading: Mark 16:15-18 by Judah Smith
Prayer Song+ (#668 O Thou Who Hearest): Congregation
Worship in Prayer: David Smith                                                            
Worship in Song: Great is Thy Faithfulness by Irfan Rasman 
Sermon: State of The Church by Pastor Fred Dana
Closing Hymn: #365 O Zion Haste
Benediction: Pastor Fred Dana
Postlude: Organ

+ Please Kneel


Children's Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
Primary (Ages 7-9)
Juniors (Ages 10-12)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15)

Youth and Adult Class
Youth (Ages 15+)
Young Adult Class (meets in “The Upper Room”)
Young Adult Class (18-35)

Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room behind the piano)
All About Jesus (Room behind the organ)
Spirit of Prophecy class now studying The Story of Redemption (Pathfinder Room)
Revelation of Hope class (Fellowship Hall)
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