Mission Matters September 1
Inspiration for the Week
Ephesians 4:11-13 - "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ..."
Ministry of Healing, 149 - “Every church member should be engaged in some line of service for the Master. Some cannot do so much as others, but everyone should do his utmost to roll back the tide of disease and distress that is sweeping over our world. Many would be willing to work if they were taught how to begin. They need to be instructed and encouraged.
Every church should be a training school for Christian workers. Its members should be taught how to give Bible readings, how to conduct and teach Sabbath school classes, how best to help the poor and to care for the sick, how to work for the unconverted. There should be schools of health, cooking schools, and classes in various lines of Christian help work. There should not only be teaching, but actual work under experienced instructors. Let the teachers lead the way in working among the people and others, uniting with them, will learn from their example. One example is worth more than many precepts.”
Ministry of Healing, 149 - “Every church member should be engaged in some line of service for the Master. Some cannot do so much as others, but everyone should do his utmost to roll back the tide of disease and distress that is sweeping over our world. Many would be willing to work if they were taught how to begin. They need to be instructed and encouraged.
Every church should be a training school for Christian workers. Its members should be taught how to give Bible readings, how to conduct and teach Sabbath school classes, how best to help the poor and to care for the sick, how to work for the unconverted. There should be schools of health, cooking schools, and classes in various lines of Christian help work. There should not only be teaching, but actual work under experienced instructors. Let the teachers lead the way in working among the people and others, uniting with them, will learn from their example. One example is worth more than many precepts.”
Mission Reports
September 6 & 7 Adventist Frontier Missions - Adventist Frontier Missions seeks to share the Gospel with the hardest to reach people in the world. It’s a difficult job. Find out more about this mission driven organization on Friday evening (September 6) at 7pm and all day Sabbath.
Upcoming Mission Trips
Click on the images below to learn more about how you can get involved.
Giving Light to Our World (GLOW)
A messenger from heaven stood in our midst, and he spoke words of warning and instruction. He made us clearly understand that the gospel of the kingdom is the message for which the world is perishing, and that this message, as contained in our publications already in print, and those yet to be issued, should be circulated among the people who are nigh and afar off.—Testimonies for the Church 9:67.
This month’s emphasis is Work & School! The idea is to distribute literature in the context of your workplace.
Talk with a few fellow church members about their jobs and how they could distribute literature where they work, and think about how you intend to distribute literature at your own workplace. If you’re in school, you can distribute literature, too; sharing with your classmates, leaving tracts in the classroom and more. Don’t forget to share testimonies on Sabbath from your workplace or school to encourage one another!
Glow Ministry Ideas
Talk with a few fellow church members about their jobs and how they could distribute literature where they work, and think about how you intend to distribute literature at your own workplace. If you’re in school, you can distribute literature, too; sharing with your classmates, leaving tracts in the classroom and more. Don’t forget to share testimonies on Sabbath from your workplace or school to encourage one another!
Glow Ministry Ideas
- Go to a children’s hospital cancer unit: Pass out goodie bags, read a Bible story and give
a GLOW tract. - Back to School: Go to high schools during after-school time and give away pens or pencils with GLOW.
- Go to parks and beaches to distribute GLOW on Labor Day.
- On Positive Thinking Day (September 13), pass out 100 “Secrets of Peak Mental Health” (SOPMH) tracts and say, “Here are some great tips for positive thinking!”
- On Day of Peace (September 21), pass out 100 “POP” and say, “Happy Day of Peace!”
- Find a Fall Festival near you to pass out as much GLOW as you can.
- Google some charity events near you. Visit them to give out GLOW to everyone.
- Go around your neighborhood on Good Neighbor Day, and give
GLOW to your neighbors saying, “Happy Good Neighbor Day!”
Featured Resources for Mission
Click on the images below to be taken to resources that you can share with people in your circle of influence.
Websites to Share
Posted in Mission Matters
Mission Matters September 1Bulletin September 7Mission Matters September 8Bulletin September 14Mission Matters September 15Bulletin September 21Mission Matters September 22Bulletin September 28Music Verse September 28Preparation for Communion Part 1What Communion is All AboutMission Matters September 29Preparation for Communion Part 2
Preparation for Communion Part 3Preparation for Communion Part 4Preparation for Communion Part 5Bulletin Oct. 5 Preparation for Communion Part 6Wines of the BibleMission Matters October 6Bulletin Oct. 12Mission Matters October 13Bulletin October 19Mission Matters October 202025 DevotionalsBulletin October 26Mission Matters October 27