Mission Matters October 20

Inspiration for the Week

Bible Verse

Acts 6:7,8 - And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.


Evangelism, p. 119. “We should make efforts to call together large congregations to hear the words of the gospel minister. And those who preach the Word of the Lord should speak the truth. They should bring their hearers, as it were, to the foot of Sinai, to listen to the words spoken by God amid scenes of awful grandeur.” 

Upcoming Mission Trips

Click on the images below to learn more about how you can get involved.
There are 3 ways to be involved in these trips:
1. Go (click on the image above)
2. Pray (join our prayer group)
3. Give (In person or securely online at Adventist Giving

Giving Light to Our World (GLOW)

This month’s emphasis is Protestant Reformation! October 31st is the anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation. It was started more than 500 years ago, in a large way by Martin Luther posting his 95 Theses in Wittenberg, Germany. Those 95 Theses were reprinted and distributed all over. The goal this month is to distribute 95 tracts!

Conversation Question: “Have you or anyone you know ever had a supernatural experience (e.g., believed they saw a ghost, had an encounter with an angel, etc.)?”

Creative Ideas from GLOW Ministry:

  • Make packets of health-related GLOW; tie them with pink ribbons and share throughout the month or place GLOW tags all over town.
  • Raise funds to go to a Taco Bell or Mexican restaurant on Taco Day, and buy tacos to give away with GLOW.
  • Smile to strangers all day long on World Smile Day, and give away a GLOW to whoever
  • smiles back and say, “Happy Smile Day!” Columbus Day: Create a “Community Explorer Map” to guide church friends to GLOW.
  • Get or make a nice gift for your boss, give them GLOW on Boss's Day, and say “Happy Boss’s Day!”
  • Participate in GLOW in the Dark outreach with your local church on Halloween.

Featured Resources for Mission

Click on the images below to be taken to resources that you can share with people in your circle of influence.

Websites to Share

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