January 15 Bulletin


8:25 am* 11:00 am**

Song Leader: Porter Team* Marlene Steinweg**
Pianist: JC Urban* Trent Logan**
Organist: Joyce Rapp
Lead Deacon: Jose Guajardo

Songs of Praise: #617 We Are Living, #604 We Know Not the Hour
Invocation: Pastor John Anderson
Opening Hymn: #195 Showers of Blessing
Offering (Local Church Budget & Prayer): Pastor John Anderson
Children’s Story: Daniel Galligani* Lynette McDermott**
Children will collect the Lambs Offering
Scripture: (Revelation 14:6-12)
Prayer song: Our Dear Father Hear Our Prayer
Special Music: We Shall Behold Him by Zoei Toh
Sermon: The Three Angels' Call to Prayer by Rodney Bowes
Closing Hymn: #478 Sweet Hour of Prayer
Benediction: Rodney Bowes


Classes begin at 9:45 am

Children’s Classes
Cradle Roll (Ages 0-3 in the Cradle Roll room)
Kindergarten (Ages 4-6 in the Kindergarten room)
Primary (Ages 7-9 in the Primary room)
Juniors (Ages 10-12 in the Junior room)
Earliteens (Ages 13-15 in the Earliteen room)

Youth and Young Adult Classes
Youth (Ages 15-18 in the youth room)

Adult Classes
Adult Lesson Study (Sanctuary Front)
Adult Lesson Study (Room Behind the Piano)
Spirit of Prophecy class studying Great Controversy (Room Behind the Organ)
Great Controversy class (Fellowship Hall and Zoom with Pastor John Anderson)

Online Only
Adult Sabbath School Lesson “The Promised Son” (Media Page)


Great Controversy literature distribution:
 Meet at 2pm at the Loma Linda market parking lot

5:03 pm – Sunset


Download our new church app today! Visit our new website to download our new apps for your phone, tablet, and smart TV.

Pause for prayer: If you are impressed to spend more time with the Lord after the service today please meet in the Three Angels' Gospel Tabernacle.

Vaccine exemption waiver: If you have a religious conviction that would result in your conscience being violated by taking the vaccine, please contact Pastor John Anderson, and he can provide a letter.

Is your information correct in our online church directory? Please edit your information in the church directory app or send updated information to office@mentonechurch.org.

Meal Trains. Thank you for helping these families, by either cooking a meal or buying a meal for them! See a list of people needing assistance by clicking here.

Transfer requests: Have you been attending Mentone for a while and feel impressed to join our church family? Please do so by filling out our online transfer request form or using a connect card in the pew. Please note that it normally takes 2 to 3 months for transfers to come through after they are submitted. If it has been longer than this please contact our church clerk, Oxana.


Adult Church Choir practice has been cancelled for January 17. Check our events page often for up-to-date information.

The Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program started last week but you are still welcome to join.  Learn how to overcome depression and anxiety through positive lifestyle choices. See our website for more information.

DivorceCare starts January 20. See the information webpage for more information and registration.

Small Groups DNA Seminar: Join Pastors Kurt Johnson and Bill Payne as they share a dynamic seminar about successful small groups at the Mentone Seventh-day Adventist church on January 21 and 22. Friday night at 7 pm. All day Sabbath. Bring a picnic lunch. Everyone is welcome.

Child Guidance Study Group. Are you a mother/parent seeking to raise your child in the love and fear of God? You are invited to join our Child Guidance Study Group on WhatsApp! The reading schedule is provided, with optional opportunity to join the weekly group studies available on Monday evenings @ 7 pm via Zoom. To join, please message Linnea Buchheim @ 209-484-9015

We believe in prayer! Join us by phone or computer EVERY DAY of the week at 6am (see events for the full schedule). Join us in person for prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. If you can’t make it in person please participate by Zoom.


As of December 31, 2021

Church Budget:  $71,345 raised for the $55,000 goal!

10/40 Projects:
Bible Study Guides & Sharing Tracts - $21,142
Godpods for Siberia- $26,414
Pearl Missionary School - $21,630

Christmas Projects:
Livestream - $11,832
Nigerian School - $10,0407

You can remit your tithes and offerings online or by sending your envelope to:
Mentone Seventh-day Adventist Church
PO Box 127
Mentone, CA 92359
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